The Internationaler Bund – short IB – is one of the biggest independent organisations committed to both youth and social work, as well as education and vocational training in Germany. Please klick here for further information about our organisation.
IB VAP stands for Volunteers’ Abroad Programs. Every year, the 3 IB VAP teams (one located in Nuremberg in the region of Franken = IB VAP Franken, one located in Kassel = IB VAP Kassel) are sending young German volunteers aged between 18 and 28 years to our partner organisations worldwide. You can get an impression of our partners worldwide here (the documents on each partner organisations so far are only available in German).
What is an International Volunteer Service?
Who can volunteer?
What do you need to provide?
Which things will we take care of?
What do our partner organisations say about the International Volunteer Service?
"We very much enjoy working with your organization and look forward to our continued collaboration. Thank you very much for your hard work and cooperation.” (Camphill Village USA Inc.)
“A mutual benefit for both – BSSK too acknowledges Volunteers greatly contribute towards the children in developing the social, emotional and communication skills of the children. And volunteers too gain knowledge about India, the culture and learn from their experience being with children with normal as well challenged children.” (BSSK India)
¿Qué es un Voluntariado con el programa weltwärts?
¿Quiénes son los voluntarios?
El lugar de trabajo debe proporcionar:
Como organización de envío IB VAP Franken garantiza:
More details about the work of IB VAP you will find in our Newsletter-section.